
Matthew 28:16-20

Mission as a Means of Grace

1. The Occasion (28:16-17)
2. The Foundation (28:18)
3. The Command (28:19)
4. The Promise (28:20)

Lessons From David Mathis

1. Disciple making Shows Us Our Smallness and God’s Bigness “Actively making disciples helps us see our lives in better proportion—not with ourselves at the center, doing the big things, but situated happily on the periphery, doing our small part in a big and glorious God-sized plan..”

2. Disciple making Challenges Us to Be Holistic Christians “As we invest in younger believers toward their balanced, overall spiritual growth, we ourselves are reminded of, and encouraged toward, holistic health in the faith.”

3. Disciple making Makes Us More Aware of Our Sin “Disciple making is more than mere truth-speaking; it is also life-sharing.”

4. Disciple making Teaches Us to Lean Heavier on Jesus “Disciple making is often messy, difficult work. You will see your weaknesses and failures and inadequacies like never before, and with God’s help, it will teach you all the more to lean on Jesus.”


For more information, download the book and study guide “Habits of Grace” by David Mathis.