FBC Parking Lot Project - Update and Next Steps
A detailed update was shared with the congregation this past Wednesday, but here is a summary of that important update and next steps:
- Formal bids for our parking lot project were received at the deadline on February 21st. A total of five bids were received.
- The Project Team met to review and deliberate in-depth. Two companies were deemed finalists.
- The two companies are large, with large crews (100+ and 90+ respectively), and are on the rosters of local municipalities for their contracts. The FBC team felt very good about having two strong bids from these two strong companies.
- The cost range for these bids (including HST) was $307,000 to $366,000.
- Both companies indicated a Spring start date.
- The FBC Board met on March 5th to discuss the two bids. Our engineering firm was present to provide an overview of the bids and answer questions.
- The board unanimously voted on the selection of a recommended company and to proceed using funds donated specifically for the Parking Lot Project and funds available within Church savings.
- Timeline:
- Sunday March 9th: A short presentation will be provided at the conclusion of the service.
- Week of March 9th: Church members are asked to prayerfully consider the information provided and are invited to ask questions.
- Sunday March 16th: After the service, a motion will be brought forward on proceeding with the Parking Lot Project with the recommended company and funded with available funds (designated parking lot donations and available savings).
- We give glory and thanks to God for bringing us to this exciting point on this journey.
Total Raised to Date: $204,310.45