Message Outline
1. The Father Calls (verses 1-4)
Isaiah encounters the Holy & Sovereign Father
Elements of God's Call (Exodus 3; Judges 6; Jeremiah 1; Ezekiel 1-3):
A. A vision and/or message from God
B. Commission to a specific objective
C. An objection of unworthiness
D. Promises of God's protection and enablement
2. The Holy Spirit Convicts (verse 5)
Isaiah encounters the Holy Spirit
A. Ruined or undone means to be silenced or still (Job 42:6; Luke 5:8)
B. If the lips are unclean then so is the heart
C. Isaiah's problem is sin and he is broken about it
3. Jesus Cleanses (verses 6-7)
Isaiah encounters Jesus
A. Atonement is made possible by the altar (sacrifice)
B. Cleansing comes as we confess our sins (1 John 1:9)
C. The lips have to confess if we are to be forgiven
4. God Commissions (verses 9-13)
Isaiah encounters the triune God (Father, Son & Holy Spirit)
"Go and tell this people..."
If your most effective message is the one you live...we must start with:
A. Personal one-on-one time with God in His Word
B. Honest, open-hearted prayer
C. Worship on the Lords Day
D. An overwhelming need to rely on God to accomplish anything at all