Sermon Outline:
Main Idea: God’s revelation to humanity is intensely personal as it reveals that the love of God,
the grace of God, forgiveness in Christ, and the inherent dignity of human life have real and
pertinent impact in everyday life, and therefore should profoundly impact the lives of believers.
The Character of One who Forgives (Philemon 4-7)
- Love for all believers (verse 5)
- Faith in the Lord Jesus (verse 5)
- Generosity – belonging to each other in the faith (verse 6)
Specific Expressions of Christian Love
- Forgiveness & Reconciliation
The Actions of One who Forgives (Philemon 8-18)
- Sacrifice (verses 11 & 12)
- Humility & Love (verses 8 & 9)
- Forgiveness, Restoration & Thanksgiving (verses 14-16)
- Receiving the Gospel & Others (verses 12; 15 & 17)
The Motives of One who Forgives (Philemon 19-25)
- Reconciliation (verse 19 & 20)
- Obedience (verse 21)