Sermon Notes:
A) Our Plight Apart from the Gift of God (2:1-3)
1. Our Condition in Sin (v.1)
2. Our Conduct in Sin (vv.2-3a)
3. Our Nature in Sin (v.3b)
B) The Features of the Gift of God (2:4-7)
1. The Initiative: But God... (v.4a)
2. The Reason: God's Merciful Love (v.4b)
3. The Substance: A 'Package Deal' Full of Benefits (vv.5-6)
4. The Purpose: To 'Show Off' His Grace—for All Eternity (v.7)
C) The Consequences of the Gift of God (2:8-10)
1. It Keeps Us Humble (v.9)
2. It Equips Us for Good Works (v.10)