Simplified Outline of Text:
A1. 13:5-23 Destruction of Jerusalem and the temple
B1. 13:24-27 The Lord’s return and the end of the age
A2. 13:28-31 Destruction of Jerusalem and the temple (lesson of the fig tree)
B2. 13:32-37 The Lord’s return and call to watchfulness
Sermon Notes:
1. The Occasion (13:1-4)
2. The Coming (13:5-23)
a) Signs, but the end is not yet (13:5-13)
i) Warnings against deceivers (5-6)
ii) The beginning of birth pains (7-8)
iii) Persecution and worldwide proclamation of the gospel(9-13)
b) Warnings, but don’t worry (13:14-23)
i) The abomination that causes desolation (14a)
ii) The need to flee (14b-22)
iii) The appearance of false messiahs and prophets (14:23)
1. Don’t be deceived
2. Be on your guard
3. Stand firm