
Mark 12:18-34

Sermon Notes:
1.  A Question About Heaven (12:18-27)
a) Hypothetically Speaking . . . . (12:18-23)
b) Have You Not Read . . . (12:24-27)
2.  A Question About the Commandments (12:28-34)
a) Which is the Greatest ? (12:28)
b) Love Supremely and Love Genuinely (12:29-31)
c) A Positive Response (12:32-34)
What does it mean to love supremely?
- An unquenchable desire to know him.
- An all-encompassing passion to obey him.
What does it mean to love one another genuinely?
- To see others as Christ does.
- To always be concerned for their well-being before our own.
- To have a divine compulsion to share the good news with them.