For centuries, when Christians have felt weighed down or worried about the cares and difficulties of life, they have turned to scripture for encouragement. One of the “go to” texts has always been Philippians 4:6-7 which says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. It is a wonderful reminder of the one to whom we can go in any situation knowing that in him we need worry about nothing. But it doesn’t always work out so easily, does it?
While the truth of this scripture is as rock solid today as it was when written down by the apostle Paul, it doesn’t necessarily mean we will feel the effect of it. We still struggle at times to find a rhythm and peace to our lives. Many factors cause this and space does not allow me to delve into all of them but suffice to say that due to the fact that we are sinners, born into a fallen world, we are going to be challenged in this regard.In addition to this conundrum one finds that the solutions people come up with do not help and often exacerbate the problem. Case in point is my disagreement with the writer Ralph Waldo Emerson when he stated that “nothing can bring peace but yourself”. No, frankly “myself” is causing much of the trouble I’m feeling. Help has to come from somewhere else. While it will sound overly simplistic to some, the truth lies in the profound biblical reminder that true peace is found in Jesus Christ, initially at conversion and continually as a believer. This is at the heart of Paul's statement. Right now go back and read it again. Notice what Paul is saying and what he is not saying. He emphatically states that we must not be anxious about anything. This is all-inclusive. But he doesn’t stop there or give some New Age nonsense advice. No, he first points us to action, prayer and giving thanks. In other words take your concerns to the Lord who will give you peace that “transcends all understanding”. Beyond that, the reminder that he will “guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”.
All of us today are facing situations, problems, difficult people, and on and on. We should follow the advice of Karen Salmonsohn who reminds us that, “no amount of anxiety can change the future. No amount of regret can change the past.” Rather turn to the one who alone can give true peace. Please note that the way the Lord does this is often through the lives and help of others but the fundamental point of reference is always our Lord and Saviour. Look to him and find peace.