My early morning bus ride to the office usually gives me time to consider the numerous items on my calendar and to do list. Today was no exception. And as I began to scroll through the stuff I felt needed accomplishing I found myself a somewhat overwhelmed with the amount of things piling up. After the initial “Ugh, I should have stayed in bed” reaction I began to methodically categorize my list - the stuff that can wait and the stuff that matters. At first the stuff that matters category was absolutely crammed and there was surprisingly little in the stuff can wait side. I arrived at the office, sat down at my desk, opened up my laptop and was immediately struck by the thought, “Are you sure that all those items in the stuff that matters column really matter all that much?” After some thoughtful reorganizing of the list I was able to narrow things down to making it far more manageable and intentional.
Yes, there is a point to be made and it is not a lesson about time management. The point is this: we will be far more effective and blessed in our walk with the Lord when, by the Holy Spirit, we focus on the stuff that truly matters. We may or may not need to eliminate all the other things but one thing is for sure, as Christians we are all about the stuff that matters. From a biblical perspective that means a laser focus on the gospel. As Paul encourages us in Philippians 1:27, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ”. What matters is gospel stuff, that which glorifies the Lord through the good news of Jesus Christ. At various points the scriptures tell us to leave off things of little value and pursue things of lasting value (Matt. 19:22; 1 Cor. 3:12). Continually the emphasis in the scriptures is on life lived for the glory of the Lord and not pursuing that which I or someone else deems significant.
Okay, so there may be some time management principles at work here. However for now let’s be reminded that each day is another God-given opportunity for those who love him to discover and pursue those things that have eternal value. Things with a gospel focus. And it is through the inner working of the Spirit that we gradually yet purposefully move in that direction. One might ask, “What does this look like?” Many of the practical applications I will leave for you to pray through. But I would say that at the very least it means a potentially complete overhaul of your values. It involves a clarification of priorities. Jesus himself points to the incredible importance of having such God-honouring values. As he was teaching about the importance of not storing up things of this world but things of heaven he states, with dissecting precision, “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:21).
So take a honest look at your life - where is your treasure? Decide what falls into the stuff that matters category. Be willing to give up the things that get in the way of a closer walk with your heavenly Father. Don’t be afraid to trust the Lord to turn your world around. Ultimately pay attention to what God, though the apostle Paul, is saying to us; “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Phil. 4:8).