The unseasonably and most welcome warm weather we’ve experienced this week enabled me to do a number of things outdoors. This included a few choice chores around the house but also a quick hike along a local portion of the Bruce Trail (the whole trail actually runs from Niagara to Tobermory). As I went along, huffing and puffing, I rejoiced in the glorious world that surrounded me and the exquisite beauty of God’s creation. As I stood on the crest of a hill this sensation exploded into a marvelous view of Lake Ontario, muted somewhat by the Burlington skyline but beautiful nonetheless. I was grateful at that moment for the rich blessings that God gives, allowing us as his children to thoroughly enjoy all he has made.It also caused me to pause (which my aching knees appreciated) and reflect on the very character of God himself. Truly he is great in every way and holy in all he does. Later in the day I recalled what I had recently experienced and began to ponder things a bit deeper. The fact that God made all this is quite staggering for sure. But the fact that God governs all this with his all knowing gaze made me shrink back a bit. Nothing, the Bible tells us, is hidden from God. Hebrews 4:13 declares, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account”. Not only is it all “laid bare” before him but he also calls upon me to give account for all that I am doing in this grand world of his. God sees me and knows me. He loves me and holds me accountable.Take note of how the psalmist reflects on this in Psalm 139:1-6;You have searched me, Lord,and you know me.You know when I sit and when I rise;you perceive my thoughts from afar.You discern my going out and my lying down;you are familiar with all my ways.Before a word is on my tongueyou, Lord, know it completely.You hem me in behind and before,and you lay your hand upon me.Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,too lofty for me to attain.Wonderfully, we can know this God who knows us through and through. As he reveals himself through creation, and ultimately and most glaringly through his Son, we can, by grace come into a wonderful relationship with him. The perspective we need to have is one of amazement and worship. So step out into the world, enjoy what God has made and consider your standing before him.